Nate Mellendorf
ConfigPy was built to address the need for infrastructure as code for Junos devices. It leverages Docker, Flask, SocketIO, Redis, PyEZ, Paramiko, and GitLab to:
- Create an OpenSSH server to listen for outbound SSH sessions from Junos devices.
- Once established, use PyEZ to gather facts about the connected Junos device.
- Store these device facts in a short lived centralized database.
- Perform additional tasks with PyEZ, such as auditing the Junos firmware and updating it.
- Sync the device config with a config file stored in a remote repository.
- If clustering is desired, leverage an op script and event manager to cluster the device.
- Leverage Jinja2 and YAML templating to create new configs, and push them to connected devices.
Template Rendering:
Device Config Sync
Notes from the author
ConfigPy was my first personal Python project, which I think is glaring when reviewing the code. It introduced me to every dependancy that it leverages. Python (Flask, PyEZ, Requests), Redis, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS (Bootstrap), etc. In it’s current state, I would not recommend this project be placed outside of a lab environment.
Please leverage this compose file to launch ConfigPy
#docker swarm init
docker stack deploy -c Docker-Compose.yml configpy
docker run --name redis \
-d --restart always \
-p 6379:6379 \
--network production \
docker run --name configpy-node \
-d --restart always \
-p 9000:9000 \
--network production \
natemellendorf/configpy-node \
-user ztp \
-password **secret** \
-configpy_url \
-redis_url redis \
-repo_uri http://gitlab:8080/networking/configs \
-repo_auth_token **secret** \
-software_location \
-srx_firmware **shouldContainVersionInName-18.2R1.9.tgz \
-srx_firmware_checksum **MD5checksum**
docker run --detach --hostname \
--publish 443:443 \
--publish 80:80 \
--publish 22:22 \
--name gitlab \
--restart always \
--volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \
--volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
--volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
docker run --name configpy \
-d --restart always \
-e REDIS_URI=redis \
-p 80:80 \
--volume c:/dockerstorage/configpy/firmware:/home/devops/configpy/static/firmware \
--network production \
How to configure your Juniper device to connect
Remember to permit this traffic inbound on your mgmt interface.
set system services outbound-ssh client ztp device-id test-srx
set system services outbound-ssh client ztp services netconf
set system services outbound-ssh client ztp <DockerHost> port 9000
set system services outbound-ssh client ztp <DockerHost> timeout 120